Autumn's Handlettering + Design | Bismarck, ND Creative Styling
Introducing the first of what I hope to be many featured artists! Over the course of the past year, I've realized just how important creativity is to our every day lives, but even more so, how essential it is, that we connect with others with the same ambitions.
Creativity looks differently to everyone. It can be cooking, sewing, painting, but it can also be relationship building, teaching, learning, and so on. Anything and everything we do can be approached with a creative mind, and in return becomes better and more personally fulfilling.
Autumn is a brilliant creative that I'm fortunate to call friend. She's started her own hand lettering and design business that features decorative prints, inspirational quotes, cards, and wedding suites. What started with one simple watercolor palette gifted from her husband, is now a calling and a passion. She is one of the most ambitious, motivated person I know and I can't wait to see where her business goes!
Stay tuned in future weeks for more creative features. Know someone who'd be great? Let me know in the comments below!