Baby Jetta | Bismarck, ND Family Photography

What a wonderful little princess! I first got to photograph Baby Jetta six months ago with her incredible family, and now she's turned one year old. Since temps are almost always below freezing, I get to visit families' home and see them in their element. Its one of the most fun, intimate, amazing things... and this time was no exception.  The moment I walked into Baby Jetta's adorably pink, princess room I knew we were going to have fun.

From her beautiful headbands, to her sofa chair, to her piano, Jetta was always on the go playing with everything in sight. Of course, her big smile was always shining no matter what. We even got to get some play time in the tub with her little rubber duckies. She is so, so precious, and I can't wait to see her grow up into an amazing little girl!