Sarah Simon | Bismarck, ND Portrait Photography
Let's be real. It's April and everyone is more than ready for summer to arrive... but I'm not so sure anyone can fully know how excited photographers get until they become one. We absolutely love natural light! We chase it any moment we can and dream of it when we can't. Spring is the great awakening that brings us back to life! Maybe that's a bit dramatic, but ask another photographer and they'll know what I mean.
Each spring I prepare for the busy season ahead as most others do, and while doing so I became more and more anxious to go outside and actually shoot. The sunsets here in North Dakota are beyond stellar, and with some new gear on the way, I couldn't help myself but have a passion shoot. Sarah was very generous and volunteered right away. She let me have total creative control, and was patient while I played with some of my new equipment. Didn't she do a great job!?
I'm so excited for more days like this to come, and for all the awesome people I get to photograph along the way!